Apr 11, 2008

random thoughts

I am new to the blogging world and i know i have made a late entry here but never mind it is better late than never. I am not sure but i was thinking that why people start blogging? What is the purpose of the people who like me write blog? What do they gain actually?

As far as i am concerned this born out of frustation. I am all alone here in this place with not many friends and no work to keep me occupied so i thought of killing time through blogging. Some more people like me will read and post some of their comments here which will give me a sense of belongingness and a feeling that I am connected to the world.

Talking about the world we are facing so many issues and problems in our world and unfortunately most of them have been created by us. We are not doing anything to solve them but want our government to take all responsibility to do for us but if we delve deeper we will find that government is not someone foreign but it is us taken collectively. So let us make little effort in our own small ways that may help to solve some of the problems be it global warming or corruption.I know it is very easy to write and preach but if we make some cautious effort we can do something.

I don't how many of you will agree with me here but we have become so materialistic and we have forgot to enjoy the beauty in and around us. During my childhood I used to go to the terrace and watch stars and the moon, look for birds nest on the trees and their small ones,listen to early chirpings of the birds,the rising sun and all these would give me immense pleasure but I do not find time nowadays to enjoy the nature. I am in search of something but i don't know what am searching for and still I do not feel anything odd about it. Actually it is high time for me to sit and think as to what I want from the precious life I have got. I am sure I am not here just earn my bread and butter and die still earning them.Here, I thank the Force whom I call God to making me what I am, who does not have to worry about making two meals a day infact I eat more than two times a day.

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